Between theories

Ewa Kraskowska
The paper discusses the latest monograph by Anna Łebkowska, Somatopoetyka – afekty – wyobrażenia. Literatura XX i XXI wieku in the context of previous Research and publications of this author.
The paper discusses the latest monograph by Anna Łebkowska, Somatopoetyka – afekty – wyobrażenia. Literatura XX i XXI wieku in the context of previous Research and publications of this author.
The paper focuses on the concept of a “variant”, which is deeply rooted in the fields of editing practices and literary criticism.
The article focuses on the concept of interpreting national heritage developed by by Freeman Tilden in his classic work Interpreting Our Heritage (1957), which is discussed in the wider critical context of literary interpretations developed by Richard Rorty in The Pragmatist’s Progress and Rita Felski in Uses of Literature.
An article presenting intertextual relations included in Trenta Tre written by Ryszard Schubert, which was recognised as a late achievement of Polish neo avant-garde literature.
In this article, I interpret two unusual intertextual references present in the Polish translation of Barthes’s The pleasure of the text by Ariadna Lewańska.
I analyze graphic posts by Tomasz Pułka (posted by the author on the Cichy Nabiau blog) which also contain Pułka’s poems published in printed poetry collections.
The paper discusses the wartime autobiographical practices by Franciszka and Stefan Themerson characterized by interpoetics, i.e.
The paper discusses the benefits of conceptualizing correspondence as an interpoetic medium. It presents an analysis of textual and visual ways of constructing the presence of the addressee and the sender in letters, and the disruption of constructing this presence caused by interrupting the writing process by a phone call.