Avant-garde poetics are universally associated with the hybrid and the intermedial, with transgressing artistic and media boundaries, with probing the limits of art and everyday life, with combining materials from different categories, orders (and disorders). (...)
Poetry as mixed media: Darek Foks’s Eurydyka [Eurydice]
Anna Kałuża
A b s t r a k t
The article “Poetry as mixed media: Darek Foks’s Eurydyka [Eurydice]” discusses a unique multimodal nature of Darek Foks’s photobook Eurydyka. (...)
Hoża in color: At home in the avant-garde
Agnieszka Karpowicz
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The present article examines the avant-garde inspirations behind Paweł Kłudkiewicz’s book Hoża. Moja ulica / My Street (2022). (...)
Tagi: Agnieszka Karpowicz, spring 2024“An exemplary stenographer at a cotton and cotton textiles export house:” Written threads in Alicja Stern’s prose
Marta Baron-Milian
A b s t r a k t
This article is an attempt to interpret Alicja Stern’s novel Ciała się oddalają [Bodies Are Moving Away], which was published in 1931 in six installments in the weekly feminist magazine for Jewish women Ewa [Eve]. (...)
Tagi: Marta Baron-Milian, spring 2024