Anna Snaith

Anna Snaith jest profesorem literatury dwudziestego wieku w londyńskim King’s College. Ostatnio opublikowała Modernist Voyages: Colonial Women Writers in London 1890–1945 (Cambridge University Press, 2014), jest także redaktorką Własnego pokoju i Trzech Gwinei Virginii Woolf (Oxford 2015) oraz akademickiej edycji Lat wydanej w serii dzieł Virginii Woolf (Cambridge University Press, 2012). Obecnie pracuje nad projektem poświęconym hałasowi w międzywojennym modernizmie oraz przygotowuje książkę Literature and Sound, która ukaże się nakładem Cambridge University Press.

After gaining a BA from the University of Toronto and a Ph.D. from University College London, I worked initially at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge before coming to King’s in 2003. My recent publications include a scholarly edition of Woolf’s The Years for the Cambridge University Press Edition of the Works of Virginia Woolf (general editors: Jane Goldman and Susan Sellers). My monograph, Modernist Voyages: Colonial Women Writers in London 1890-1945 (Cambridge University Press, 2014), shortlisted for the Modernist Studies Association Book Prize, looks at the intersection of anti-colonialism and feminism in writing by women who travelled to London from India, the Caribbean, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa during the modernist period. I am currently working on a project on interwar literary modernism and noise, and am editing a volume on Literature and Sound for Cambridge University Press.