Aleksandra Reimann-Czajkowska
A b s t r a k t
The paper is about intermediality, focusing especially on relations between music and literature, connected by music in lyrical circumstances (Iwona Puchalska) in poetry. It is an attempt at listening to an intertextual dialogue between two poems, where listening to music is the most important experience (Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach in Barańczak’s Kontrapunkt, and a Gregorian chant in Zagajewski’s Szybki wiersz). In the two poems logos and melos are inseparable, they permeate each other, they organize the fictional space of their respective texts, and serve as a starting point for existential considerations. Listening thus brings a new sort of a sensual reception (and organization) of reality, in which experiencing opposites can lead to desired Harmony.