Chiara Taraborrelli
A b s t r a k t
Il dettaglio e l’infinito by Luca Alvino is a collection of short critical essays dedicated to three famous novelists, Ph. Roth, A. Yehoshua and J. Salter, who devote their creative effort, according to Alvino, to chaos and the minutiae of human existence. They reject any delusional paradigm of a universe governed by order, instead focusing their narrative attention on the flickering dynamism of existence, unorderly in all its manifestations. Luca Alvino’s prose is transparent and fluid, and his work offers not only a precise and clear analysis of the literature examined, but also more or less occasional hints that encourage the reader to apply the same reasoning to other authors and arts other than literature, eventually suggesting glimpses of an alternative way of approaching the world surrounding us and its expression.