Elżbieta Dutka
A b s t r a k t
The cultural archive is a terminological detail in the dictionary of geopoetics. This is how Elżbieta Rybicka described this indispensable part a place’s texture (which is also created by experience and imagination). It is only when we adopt a micro perspective that we see that the cultural archive is as complicated a category as the place itself, and, additionally, it is further re-defined and re-contextualized by the archival turn. I discuss the problems related to the archive, its various types and the role it plays in the conceptualization of the place and identity associated with it, by interpreting the works of Janusz Szuber (Las wielki i niedźwiedziów dosyć [The forest is huge and there are enough bears]; Świadectwo języka [The testimony of language]) and Adam Robiński (Kiczery. Podróż przez Bieszczady [Kiczery. A journey through the Bieszczady Mountains]).